The Life Settlement Process

The Asset Life Settlements PRocess
The Three Stages of the Life Settlement Process 

the Three Stages of the Life Settlement Process This graphic outlines our streamlined life settlement process for financial professionals. In the Seller Stage, advisors like you introduce clients to the life settlement option. In the Broker Stage, we conduct a competitive bidding process to secure the best offer. Finally, in the Buyer Stage, the chosen buyer acquires the policy, delivering immediate financial value to your client. This process ensures a transparent, competitive, and efficient transaction.

The Life Settlement PRocess Graphic outlook

The Life Settlement Process

Qualifying Policies: Is Your Client’s Policy Eligible?

Not all life insurance policies qualify for a life settlement, but many may be a valuable asset for your clients. Here’s a quick guide to help determine eligibility:

  • Most Universal Life, Whole Life, and Convertible Term policies qualify. Policies should have a face value of at least $100,000.
  • Policies with manageable premium payments are more attractive to buyers, as excessively high premiums can impact the marketability of the policy.
  • Policies with a longer term remaining are preferred, as they offer better value in the settlement process.

If your client’s policy meets these basic criteria, it may be a good candidate for a life settlement. Reach out to discuss your client’s specific situation, and we’ll help you assess eligibility with confidence.

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